Planning and Land Management Group

As the Israeli market leader in planning and land management services in Israel, Geoda has decades of experience. Consultation and planning operations rely heavily on our geoinformatics technologies, databases, and on the Group’s ability to manage complex integrated processes. Geoda is spearheading the land registration revolution in Israel and has executed the Israel Land Authority’s countrywide land registration project for several decades.

Asset Rights Protection

Israel is a rapidly developing country and its frequent planning changes can significantly affect the use and value of real estate assets. Meanwhile, it can be challenging to obtain a complete planning picture with the existing information sharing mechanisms. To create a complete and efficient up-to-date picture, Geoda continuously monitors planning and building notices and notifies its clients regarding every planning event that may affect a property or its surroundings.

Geoda’s asset rights protection service includes ongoing consulting, which includes tracking, alerting, filtering and initial checking, in-depth expert opinions and even submitting objections. Geoda categorizes notices by subject (gas, agriculture, etc.) and gives them a business intelligence dimension. This puts Geoda’s clients in the front row of the planning development scene in their fields. Geoda organizes the information in a unique and innovative geographic report that is easy to view, search, and manage for follow-up.



  • Asset rights protection: Tracking and notification about planning events related to properties and their surroundings
  • Asset rights protection by subject and locating notices: Reviewing national publications by subject
  • Initial check: A service that screens and identifies events that will likely affect a property
  • In-depth expert opinion: In-depth study and analysis of the ramifications of planning events, includes checks by a land appraiser and lawyer, as necessary
  • Online planning maintenance: Planning maintenance in an online report
  • Unique and innovative GIS / geographic report that offers easy viewing, searching, and management of adverse incidents for tracking purposes
  • Click here for a demo of asset rights protection in the Geodata system – tools and services for planning and spatial intelligence, for independent use, with expert assistance available.


מערכת ממ"ג (GIS) לניהול נכסים

חוזים ופיננסי:
  • ניהול חוזים (תמיכה בריבוי חוזים לנכס) תוך פירוקם
  • התראות לקראת תום תוקף של חוזה, נקודות יציאה קרובות וקידום פרואקטיבי של חוזים בתהליך
  • Workflow מובנה לניהול ובקרה מלאה אחר מרכיבי החוזה
  • תחזית תשלומים שנתית/רבעונית של הנכס
  • ניתוח תנודות תשלומים של נכסים על ציר הזמן
  • סקירת חוזים עם אופציות, נקודות יציאה ועוד

תהליך ניהול נכסים

  • הצגת נכסי הארגון תוך חיתוכם לפי פרמטרים מייצגים כגון בעלות, סוג הנכס וכד’
  • דוחות ניהוליים
  • דשבורד ניהולי וסקירה במבט על של נתוני הנכסים
  • יכולת טעינת קבצים


המערכת אמונה על ניהול נכסי הארגון.
יכולת להתחבר למערכת ה-Geodata ולשירותי גאודע הנדלניים והטכנולוגיים מאפשרת שיקוף תמונת מצב 360 מעלות המעצים את תהליך קבלת ההחלטות בארגון ותומך בגישות ניהול פרואקטיביות מבוססות נתונים ומידע.

נכסים ופרוייקטים

  • מעקב ושליטה אחר סטטוס פרוייקטלי ומשימתי של הנכסים
  • יכולת יצוא לאקסל של הנתונים המפולחים
  • היררכיית נתונים של נכס, פרויקטים ומשימות תחתיו
  • Workflow מובנה לניהול הפרוייקט והמשימות השונות

ממשקים והתאמות

  • ממשק ל-Geodata ומערכות GIS
  • חיבור ישיר לתהליכי וכלל שירותי גאודע (Data Lake, חו”ד ושמירה תכנונית, חילוץ נתונים ופענוח אוטומטי של מסמכים ועוד)
  • ממשק למערכות הארגון
  • התאמה מלאה לתהליך העסקי של הארגון

Managing Planning and Land Projects

Planning and land use projects require the involvement of experts from various fields, the sourcing and analysis of information, and a complex process that concerns many parties. Geoda harnesses its many years of experience and the company’s rich expertise in bringing projects to a successful conclusion. Geoda manages projects on an ongoing basis, coordinating work among the various experts, authorities and interested parties. The company’s considerable knowledge, experience, and multidisciplinary expertise position it at the forefront of managing planning and land use projects.


  • Ongoing consulting and management of planned projects
  • Urban planning team management
  • Professional team management
  • Committee and administration management


Planning Consulting and Feasibility Tests

Geoda’s planning consulting services help clients understand their full planning rights and strategic options stemming from the complete picture of the planning status.

Due to the nature of planning processes in Israel, obtaining a full picture of the planning status can often be very challenging. Geoda’s experts gather and analyze the information, using advanced technology infrastructure, GIS tools, databases, and unique information layers. These tools enable Geoda to provide a wide range of planning consulting services, feasibility tests, as well as expert planning, legal and appraisal opinions.


  • Study of Planning Feasibility
  • Scouting of sites for projects, infrastructure lines, etc.
  • Study and analysis of plans and their effects on properties
  • Analysis of current planning status
  • Examination of planning issues with respect to local authorities.


Planning Surveys (Field Surveys)

Geoda conducts field surveys, collects information, and analyzes it for a variety of purposes. Over the years, Geoda has conducted large-scale surveys for major Israeli commercial and government organizations. The Group provides significant and reliable data using advanced technologies, collection methods, and quality control. Geoda’s groups work together to create important tools for processing the survey data and for conducting further analysis that reveals additional aspects of the information.



  • Field surveys
  • Gathering information from various sources and entities
  • Gathering and analyzing planning, appraisal, engineering, and legal information
  • Mapping and measuring
  • Use surveys


Rights Management and Administration

Geoda’s expertise in planning and real estate makes the company a leader in the management and registration of land rights in Israel.

The experts on this team offer a variety of comprehensive solutions for the entire registration and administrative process. Geoda has managed hundreds of thousands of land registration and records processes, for decades, from single houses to entire neighborhoods. In recent years, the company has shifted focus to the registration and management of rights for the Israel Lands Authority and even manages Quick Service Centers for providing services to the public. Thanks to Geoda’s effective solutions, these centers have earned praise for their efficiency and have even been awarded unprecedented high scores on public satisfaction surveys.

Scouting Sites for Water Drilling

  • The gathering and mapping of information
  • Definition of metrics and criteria for locating search areas
  • Initial analysis of USOM cells relative to needs and potential; creation of a regional search map
  • Full analysis of every USOM cell and location of new drilling sites in each cell
  • Statutory plans for conducting drilling
  • Summary of findings; recommendations.


Netivei Israel - The National Transport Infrastructure Company: Road Furniture Survey

  • The development of dedicated software built for a Geoda project
  • Information gathering on cutting-edge, GIS-compatible tablet computers
  • Photography and characterization of the information about the surveyed elements
  • Information processing; quality assurance.


Merage Foundation: Establishing a Planning Base for the Negev

  • The preparation of a database for use by local authorities and government offices
  • Platform for the discussion and presentation of goals and objectives of Negev communities
  • Database for advanced urban planning to promote Negev towns
  • Advanced data presentation and analysis capabilities
  • Presentation of land planning and designation compilations
  • Geographic presentation of statistical data
  • Plan analysis and site search.


Asset Rights Protection: Paz Oil Company

  • The construction of an alphanumeric and graphic customer information database
  • Aggregation of all planning and building notices from newspapers and records
  • Identification of notices applicable to the client’s properties on a daily basis
  • Business intelligence: countrywide monitoring and identification of all notices regarding fuel
  • Notification via reports, PDF, and spreadsheets, plus GIS reports unique to Geoda.


Rights Management and Registration - Ganei Aviv

  • The management of the registration process for apartment buildings totaling approximately 4,000 housing units
  • Management of surveyors to prepare blueprints of the apartments
  • Preparation and submission of apartment building plans for approval and registration in the Land Registry (“TABU”)
  • Providing services to apartment buyers, to register their rights in the Land Registry (“TABU”).



Israel Lands Authority: Quick Service Centers for Managing Land Rights

  • The operation of public service centers throughout the country
  • Public service centers offer high quality, professional services, and short processing times
  • Management of various land rights, such as rights confirmations, rights transfers, registering and canceling obligations to register mortgages, and registration in the Land Registry (“TABU”).

ניהול תהליכי הסדר ורישום קרקעות במזרח ירושלים

מטרת הסדר הקרקעות היא לקבוע בעלות, גבולות ושטח שאין עוררין עליהם שישקפו את המצב האמיתי של הבעלות כאשר פעולות ההסדר נעשות בשקיפות מלאה.

  • הקמה וניהול צוותי עבודה הכוללים מודדים מוסמכים, עו”ד בתחום המקרקעין, אנשי שיתוף ציבור
  • הצוותים אחראים על ביצוע מיפוי של הקרקעות, הכנת מפות, הסברה לציבור, בחינת המסמכים ותביעות הבעלות
  • תיאום ועבודה שוטפת מול פקיד ההסדר ומפ”י

למידע נוסף צרו איתנו קשר ונחזור אליכם בהקדם